VKM Catalogue

VKM No.Ac-1067
Scientific name of the strainPseudonocardia autotrophica (Takamiya and Tubaki 1956) Warwick et al. 1994
SynonymAmycolata autotrophica (Takamiya and Tubaki 1956) Lechevalier et al. 1986; Nocardia autotrophica (Takamiya and Tubaki 1956) Hirsch 1961; Streptomyces autotrophicus Takamiya and Tubaki 1956
Other culture collection No.JCM 4010; KCTC 9567
HistoryJCM 4010
Received asNocardia autotrophica (Takamiya and Tubaki 1956) Hirsch 1961
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no