VKM Catalogue

VKM No.Ac-1
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ATCC 33134; CBS 352.79; JCM 4989; NRRL B-11397
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-1 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 17
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) aculentosporus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationchestnut soil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-2
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ATCC 33135; CBS 353.79; JCM 4990; NRRL B-11398
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-2 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 566
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) albidopureus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
LocationEastern Pamirs, 5300 m
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-5
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-5 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 934
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) albocaneus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
LocationWestern Pamirs, 2320 m
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-7
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-7 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 420
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) albocanus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, krasnozem
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-8
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-8 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 140-161
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) albocastaneus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
LocationPamir Mountains
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-9
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-9 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 567
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) alboclarus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
LocationEastern Pamirs, 5300 m
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-13
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.CBS 354.79; JCM 4991; NRRL B-11399
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-13 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 55-51
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) albocolor Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-19
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5197; RIA 663; RIA 1149; ATCC 15845; ATCC 23872; CBS 611.68; DSM 40197; IFO (now NBRC) 12832; IMET 43510; JCM 4341; MTCC 504
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-19 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 679
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) albocyaneus Krassilnikov and Agre 1960 Type
Source of isolationsoil
LocationKlyazma River floodplain
GeographicsMoscow Region
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-20
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-20 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 13a
Received asActinomyces albodenitrificans Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-23
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5410; RIA 1204; ATCC 19820; ATCC 25424; CBS 922.69; DSM 40410; IFO (now NBRC) 13012; JCM 4448; NRRL B-3586
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-23 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 1349
Received asStreptomyces albohelvatus (Krassilnikov et al. 1965) Pridham 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
LocationPamir Mountains
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-24
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-24 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 576
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) albonivalis Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
LocationEastern Pamirs, 5300 m
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-27
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-27 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 554
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) alboniveus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
LocationEastern Pamirs, 5400 m
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-39
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-39 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 338
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) argenteus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, krasnozem
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-41
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-41 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 26-19
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) ater Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
GeographicsSaratov Region
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-42
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-42 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 41-18
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) ateroniveus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationbrown soil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-45
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-45 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 205
Received asStreptomyces aureomonopodiales (Krassilnikov and Yuan 1965) Pridham 1970
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-53
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5417; RIA 1214; ATCC 19827; ATCC 25434; BCRC 11822; CBS 663.69; DSM 40417; IFO (now NBRC) 13022; JCM 4458; NRRL B-12345
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-53 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 2375
Received asStreptomyces aurigineus (Krassilnikov et al. 1965) Pridham 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
LocationShore of Caspion Sea
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-55
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-55 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 78
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) azurocolor Krassilnikov 1970
Source of isolationsoil
GeographicsMoscow Region
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-62
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-62 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 47-110
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) brunneorectus Krassilnikov 1970
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-63
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ATCC 33136; CBS 355.79; JCM 4993; NRRL B-11401
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-63 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 21
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) caesiolatus Krassilnikov 1970
Source of isolationsoil
LocationExperimental field in K.A. Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy territory
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-65
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5419; VKM Ac-768; RIA 1337; ATCC 19828; CBS 677.72; DSM 40419; IFO (now NBRC) 13376; JCM 4731; NCIMB 10040; NRRL B-12346
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-65 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 118
Received asStreptomyces caesius (Krassilnikov et al. 1965) Pridham 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
LocationExperimental field in K.A. Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy territory
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-66
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-66 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 55
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) caesius subsp. variabilis Krassilnikov 1970
Source of isolationsoil
LocationExperimental field in K.A. Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy territory
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-67
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-67 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 490
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) caneris Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, krasnozem
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-69
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-69 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 4
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) cannocereus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationchestnut soil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-70
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-70 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 516
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) canofumeus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, krasnozem
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-71
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-71 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 89
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) canosus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, krasnozem
Incubation temp. (C)29
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-72
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-72 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 534
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) canulus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, krasnozem
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-73
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-73 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 91
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) cerratus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationchestnut soil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-74
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-74 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 6166
Received asStreptomyces chlorobiens (Krassilnikov and Yegorova 1965) Pridham 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, sierozem
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-81
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-81 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 468
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) cineraceus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, krasnozem
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-82
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-82 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 88
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) cinereofuscus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-84
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-84 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 155
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) cinerosus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationchestnut soil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-89
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-89 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 259
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) citreoflavescens Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationpotatoes affected by scab, tuber
GeographicsMoscow Region
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-97
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-97 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 35
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) clivatosporus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationchestnut soil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-103
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-103 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 66
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) coelescens subsp. lactici Krassilnikov 1970
Source of isolationsoil
GeographicsMoscow Region
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-105
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5422; RIA 1222; ATCC 19833; ATCC 25442; CBS 679.69; DSM 40422; IFO (now NBRC) 13030; IMET 43366; JCM 4465; NRRL B-12349
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-105 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 37-ya
Received asStreptomyces coeliatus (Krassilnikov et al. 1965) Pridham 1970
Source of isolationsoil
GeographicsRepublic of Crimea
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-106
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-106 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 1250
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) coelicoferus Krassilnikov et al. 1965 Type
Source of isolationsoil, chernozem
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-5
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-107
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-107 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 123
Received asActinomyces coelicolor (Muller 1908) Krassilnikov 1941
Source of isolationsoil
LocationExperimental field in K.A. Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy territory
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-110
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-110 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 1057
Received asStreptomyces coerulatus subsp. coerulatus (Krassilnikov et al. 1965) Pridham 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
GeographicsMoscow Region
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-112
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-112 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 34-1
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) coffecolor Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-114
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-114 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 14
Received asStreptomyces cyanocolor (Krassilnikov et al. 1965) Pridham 1970
Source of isolationsoil
GeographicsMoscow Region
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-119
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-119 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 10
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) cyanofetus Krassilnikov 1970
Source of isolationsoil
GeographicsMoscow Region
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-121
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-121 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 74
Received asStreptomyces cyanogenus (Krassilnikov et al. 1965) Pridham 1970
Source of isolationsoil
GeographicsMoscow Region
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-125
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-125 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 31-M
Received asStreptomyces cyanoglomerus (Krassilnikov et al. 1965) Pridham 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
GeographicsRepublic of Crimea
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-126
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5427; RIA 1228; ATCC 19837; ATCC 25448; CBS 681.69; DSM 40427; IFO (now NBRC) 13036; NRRL B-12355
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-126 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 26-P
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) cyanoglomerus subsp. cellulans Krassilnikov 1970
Source of isolationsoil
Geographicsnear Tbilisi
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-127
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-127 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 54
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) cyanolatus Krassilnikov 1970
Source of isolationsoil
LocationExperimental field in K.A. Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy territory
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-131
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-131 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 188-6
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) enissogriseus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
LocationWestern Pamirs
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-132
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-132 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 127
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) enissus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
LocationCaucasus area
GeographicsKrasnodar Territory
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-133
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-133 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 179
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) favillaceus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-135
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5428; RIA 1230; ATCC 19838; ATCC 25450; CBS 683.699; DSM 40428; IFO (now NBRC) 13038; JCM 4473
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-135 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 1015 â
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) flavescens Krassilnikov et al. 1965 Type
Source of isolationsoil
LocationPamir Mountains, 4800 m
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-145
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-145 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 940
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) flavus (Krainsky 1914) Krassilnikov 1970
Source of isolationsoil
LocationPamir Mountains
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-148
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-148 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 1139
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) foetoris Type
Source of isolationsoil
GeographicsRepublic of Crimea, Livadia
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-154
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ATCC 33137; CBS 356.79; JCM 4994; NRRL B-11402
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-154 < Krassilnikov N.A., BU-617 < BUCSAV BU 6-17 (Streptomyces fradiae)
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) fradiorectus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-155
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-155 < Krassilnikov N.A., BU-615 < BUCSAV BU 6-15 (Streptomyces fradiae)
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) fradioroseus Krassilnikov 1970
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-5
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-156
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-156 < Krassilnikov N.A., BU-616 < BUCSAV BU 6-16 (Streptomyces fradiae)
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) fradioroseus Krassilnikov 1970
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-5
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-159
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.RIA 658; ATCC 15862; JCM 4676; NRRL B-2870
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-159 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 9700
Received asStreptomyces fulvoviolaceus (Artamonova and Krassilnikov 1960) Pridham 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, chernozem
CountryRepublic of Moldova
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-160
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5480; RIA 1360; RIA 789; ATCC 14077; CBS 700.72; DSM 40480; IFO (now NBRC) 13399; JCM 4327; JCM 4756
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-160 < Y.Okami, 1616-Z3 (Streptomyces galbus)
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) fulvostreptomycini Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationgarden soil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-163
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-163 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 11-1
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) fumobadius Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-164
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-164 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 2866
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) fungilyticus Krassilnikov 1970
Source of isolationsoil
GeographicsRepublic of Crimea
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-166
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.CBS 357.79; JCM 4995; NRRL B-11403
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-166 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 515
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) globispororoseus (Krassilnikov et al. 1960) Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, podzol
GeographicsMoscow Region
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-180
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-180 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 192
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) globivulgaris Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, sierozem
LocationVakhsh River valley
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-186
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-186 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 186-151
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) griseocastaneus Krassilnikov 1970
Source of isolationsoil
LocationPamir Mountains
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-187
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-187 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 31
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) griseofavillus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationchestnut soil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-189
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.RIA 747
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-189 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 15
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) griseus (Krainsky 1914) Krassilnikov 1970
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-193
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-193 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 1252
Received asStreptomyces herbescens (Krassilnikov and Yegorova 1965) Pridham 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
LocationPamir Mountains
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-197
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-197 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 2389
Received asStreptomyces herbeus (Krassilnikov and Yegorova 1965) Pridham 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
CountryRepublic of Egypt
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-198
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-198 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 10
Received asStreptomyces herbiferis (Krassilnikov and Yegorova 1965) Pridham 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-5
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-202
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-202 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 154
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) ignobilis Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, krasnozem
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-203
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-203 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 473
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) ignorabilis Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, krasnozem
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-204
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-204 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 410
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) incanus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, krasnozem
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-206
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-206 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 18-18
Received asStreptomyces iodoformicus (Kirillova and El-Registan 1965) Pridham 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
LocationFloodplain of Enisei River
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-212
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-212 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 126-12
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) juglandis Krassilnikov 1970
Source of isolationsoil
LocationPamir Mountains
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-218
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5432; VKM Ac-1009; RIA 1344; ATCC 19842; CBS 684.72; DSM 40432; IFO (now NBRC) 13383; JCM 4774; NRRL B-12366
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-218 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 206
Received asStreptomyces indigocolor (Krassilnikov et al.1965) Pridham 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, sierozem
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-5
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-220
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-220 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 285
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) leucophaeus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationchestnut soil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-227
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5202; RIA 338; RIA 1153; ATCC 15876; ATCC 23929; BCRC 12229; CBS 913.68; DSM 40202; IFO (now NBRC) 12883; IMET 42940; JCM 4392; NRRL B-2887
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-227 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 2725
Received asStreptomyces levoris (Krassilnikov 1958) Pridham 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, chernozem
CountryRepublic of Moldova
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-228
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-228 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 2789. Former name: Actinomyces levoris Krassilnikov 1958
Received asStreptomyces levoris (Krassilnikov 1958) Pridham 1970
Source of isolationsoil
LocationKola Peninsula, Arctic
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-230
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ATCC 33138; CBS 359.79; JCM 4997; NRRL B-11405
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-230 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 197
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) litmocolor Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-233
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ATCC 33139; NRRL B-11406
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-233 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 149
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) litmotinctus Krassilnikov 1970
Source of isolationsoil
GeographicsMoscow Region
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-234
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.JCM 4998
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-234 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 91
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) litmotinctus subsp. lactis Krassilnikov 1970
Source of isolationsoil
GeographicsMoscow Region
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-235
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-235 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 59
Received asStreptomyces lividans (Krassilnikov et al. 1965) Pridham 1970
Source of isolationsoil
GeographicsMoscow Region
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-243
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5435; RIA 1247; ATCC 19850; ATCC 25467; CBS 700.69; DSM 40435; IFO 13055; JCM 4489; JCM 10428; NRRL B-12276
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-243 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 2918
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) longissimus (Krassilnikov 1941) Krassilnikov and Yuan 1965
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-5
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-247
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-247 < Krassilnikov N.A., A-305 < Chain E.B.,Italy, A-305
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) malachiticus (Kudrina et al. 1957) Krassilnikov and Yegorova 1965
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-5
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-248
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-248 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 1464
Received asStreptomyces(Actinomyces) mannitorapidus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-251
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-251 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 610-8
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) nigriviridis Krassilnikov 1970
Source of isolationsoil
GeographicsRepublic of Crimea
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-253
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-253 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 549
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) nitrohostilis
Source of isolationsoil
GeographicsRepublic of Crimea
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-5
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-257
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-257 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 11-98
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) olivocinereus Krassilnikov 1970
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-260
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.INA P-62
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-260 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 367
Received asStreptomyces pneumonicus (Krassilnikov et al. 1960) Pridham 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, sierozem
LocationVakhsh River valley
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-262
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-262 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 94-9
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) pruniviolaceus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
GeographicsRepublic of Crimea
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-267
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-267 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 588
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) pseudoalbus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationalpine primitive soil
LocationEastern Pamirs, 4000 m
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-276
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-276 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 528
Received asStreptomyces raffinosus (Krassilnikov 1958) Pridham 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, podzol
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-278
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-278 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 221
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) ravidus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, krasnozem
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-279
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-279 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 280
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) ravus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, krasnozem
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-295
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-295 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 63
Received asStreptoverticillium (Actinomyces) reticuloroseum
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-301
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-301 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 1119
Received asStreptomyces rubrocyaneus (Krassilnikov and Husein 1965) Pridham 1970
Source of isolationsoil
CountryRepublic of Egypt
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-302
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-302 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 1942
Received asStreptomyces rubrocyaneus (Krassilnikov and Husein 1965) Pridham 1970
Source of isolationsoil
CountryRepublic of Egypt
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-303
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-303 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI I-22
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) rutilosus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
GeographicsIgarka, Enisei River Bank
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-307
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-307 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 252
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) setosus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, krasnozem
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-308
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-308 < Krassilnikov N.A. < IAM, IAM 0023 (Streptomyces lavendulae)
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) spirolavendulae Krassilnikov 1970
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-309
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-309 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 2388
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) spirolavendulae Krassilnikov 1970
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-310
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-310 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 425
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) sporocaneris Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, krasnozem
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-311
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-311 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 26
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) sporocaneus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationchestnut soil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-313
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-313 < Krassilnikov N.A.., INMI P 5a-4
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) sporoclivosus Krassilnikov 1970
Source of isolationsoil
LocationPamir Mountains
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-316
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-316 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 352
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) sporocrineus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, krasnozem
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-317
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-317 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 25
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) sporopillosus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationchestnut soil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-319
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-319 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 287
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) sporostellatus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, krasnozem
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-320
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-320 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 353
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) sporotumulus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
LocationNile River, delta
CountryRepublic of Egypt
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-322
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-322 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 216
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) sporovirgulis Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, krasnozem
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-484
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.RIA 1554; ATCC 19846
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-484 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 434
Received asStreptomyces subflavus (Krassilnikov et al. 1965) Pridham 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-485
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-485 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 17b
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) subruber Mironova et al. 1974
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-488
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-488 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 1626
Received asStreptomyces syringae (Kuchaeva et al. 1961) Pridham 1970
Source of isolationsoil
LocationKola Peninsula, Arctic
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-489
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-489 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 192
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) taleus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
GeographicsMoscow Region
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-490
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-490 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 342
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) theecolor Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationmountain-meadow soil
GeographicsRepublic of Crimea
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-500
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-500 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 2355
Received asStreptomyces toxicus (Krassilnikov 1958) Pridham 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
LocationKola Peninsula, Arctic
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-502
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.RIA 751; JCM 5050
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-502 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI P-42
Received asStreptomyces tumemacerans (Krassilnikov and Koveshnikov 1962) Pridham 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
LocationAskania-Nova biosphere reserve
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-503
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-503 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 45-2
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) umbriferus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
LocationPamir Mountains, 3890 m
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-504
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-504 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 910
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) umbrilatus
Source of isolationgrey-brown desert soil
LocationPamir Mountains
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-533
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5207; RIA 657; RIA 1297; ATCC 15893; ATCC 25517; CBS 659.69; DSM 40207; IFO (now NBRC) 13105; IMET 43511; JCM 4535
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-533 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 2929
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) violochromogenes Artamonova and Krassilnikov 1960 Type
Source of isolationsoil, sierozem
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-537
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-537 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 21g
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) violocinereus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationmountain-meadow soil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-542
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM-542 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 64 k
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) violoroseus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-544
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ATCC 19849
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-544 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 1671
Received asStreptomyces viridans (Krassilnikov 1941) Waksman 1953 Type
Source of isolationgarden soil
GeographicsMoscow Region
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-551
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-551 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 1876
Received asStreptomyces viridaris (Krassilnikov and Yegorova 1965) Pridham 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
CountryRepublic of Egypt
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-5
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-552
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5454; VKM Ac-553; VKM Ac-741; RIA 488; RIA 1351; ATCC 3372; CBS 369.66; CBS 691.72; DSM 40454; IFO 13390; JCM 4227; JCM 4858; NRRL B-1330
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-552 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 91 < Baldacci E., ATCC 3372
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) viridifuscus (Millard and Burr 1926) Krassilnikov and Yegorova 1965 Type
Source of isolationpotato scab
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-560
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-560 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 070
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) viridovulgaris Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, chernozem
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-561
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-561 < Krassilnikov N.A., INMI 1609
Received asStreptomyces virocidus (Kuchaeva et al. 1961) Pridham 1970 Type
Source of isolationdark gray soil, dept 20 cm
Geographicsnear Borisoglebsk
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-580
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5257; VKM Ac-1708; RIA 469; RIA 591; RIA 804; RIA 1290; ATCC 11861; ATCC 25510; CBS 307.55; CBS 652.69; DSM 40257; IFO (now NBRC) 13098; JCM 4091; JCM 4528; NCIMB 8852; NRRL B-2285
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-580 < RIA 1290 < ISP 5257 < NRRL B-2285
Received asStreptomyces vinaceus (Mayer et al. 1951) Waksman Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-595
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-595 < Zenova G.M. DSB MGU, 11
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) umbriferus Krassilnikov 1970 Neotype
Source of isolationsoil
GeographicsMoscow Region
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-601
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.VKM Ac-757; ATCC 12125; DSM 40768; ETH 24458
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-601 < KCC S-0232
Received asStreptomyces griseoroseus Heinemann et al. 1955 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-610
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-610 < Kuznetsov V.D. INMI, K-3960
Received asStreptomyces cyperinus Kuznetsov and Philippova 1986 Type
Source of isolationCyperinus esculentus L., root
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-611
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-610 < Kuznetsov V.D. INMI, K-3946
Received asStreptomyces ruber (Krainsky 1914) Waksman and Henrici 1948 suggested neotype
Source of isolationsoil
LocationNear Baikal Lake
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-616
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.JCM 4999
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-616 < Konev Y.E. NITIAF, LIA 0385
Received asStreptoverticillium rutilum Konev and Tsyganov 1966
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-630
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5381; RIA 1334; ATCC 15732; CBS 674.72; DSM 40381; IFO 13373; JCM 4854; NRRL B-12320
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-630 < RIA 1334 < ISP 5381 < IPV 398
Received asStreptomyces viridis (Lombardo-Pellegrino 1903) Waksman 1953 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-673
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5589; RIA 1439; ATCC 27453; CBS 101.18; CBS 779.72; DSM 40589; IFO 13478; JCM 3014; JCM 4804; NCIMB 12970; NRRL B-12520
HistoryINMI, VKM Ac-673 < CBS 101.18
Received asStreptomyces oligocarbophilus (Beijerinck and van Delden 1914) Lantzsch 1922 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-707
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5416; RIA 1212; ATCC 19825; ATCC 25432; CBS 665.69; DSM 40416; IFO 13020; JCM 4456; NRRL B-12343
HistoryAgre N.S. IBPM, ISP 5416 (= INMI 1510)
Received asStreptomyces aureomonopodiales
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-711
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5256; RIA 1182; ATCC 23901; CBS 797.68; DSM 40256; IFO 12856; JCM 4313; JCM 4634; NCIMB 9802; NRRL 2442
HistoryIBPM, ISP 5256
Received asStreptomyces coralus Dietz 1964 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-730
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5321; RIA 1245; ATCC 25465; BCRC 13703; CBS 342.35; CBS 698.69; DSM 40321; IFO 13053; JCM 4487; NRRL B-1577
HistoryRIA 1245 < ISP 5321 < CBS 342.35
Received asStreptomyces krainskii (Duche 1934) Pridham et al. 1958 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-734
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5320; RIA 1203; ATCC 25423; BCRC 12049; CBS 100.34; CBS 921.69; CIP 104426; DSM 40320; IFO 13011; IFO 14052; JCM 4447; KCTC 9684; NRRL B-1672
HistoryRIA 1203 < ISP 5320 < CBS 100.34
Received asStreptomyces albidus (Duche 1934) Waksman 1953 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-739
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5566; RIA 1423; ATCC 13849; BCRC 11920; CBS 763.72; DSM 40566; IFO 13462; JCM 4817; NRRL B-12499
HistoryIBPM, ISP 5566
Received asStreptomyces pulcher Routien 1967 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-740
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5600; RIA 1450; ATCC 27445; CBS 790.72; DSM 40600; IFO 13489; JCM 4787; NRRL B-12554
HistoryRIA 1450 < ISP 5600 < INA 220
Received asStreptomyces luteolutescens (Yen 1956) Pridham 1970 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-742
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5485; RIA 1364; ATCC 14155; BCRC 12482; CBS 704.72; DSM 40485; IFO 13403; JCM 4741; KCTC 9716; NCIMB 12966; NRRL B-5738
HistoryIBPM, ISP 5485
Received asStreptomyces coriofaciens Schmidt-Thome et al. 1962 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-744
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5031; RIA 1066; ATCC 19787; BCRC 13646; CBS 539.68; DSM 40031; IFO 12798; IFO 15797; JCM 4399; KCTC 9114; NRRL B-5482
HistoryIBPM, ISP 5031
Received asStreptomyces minoensis Nishimura 1961 Type
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-745
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5547; RIA 1407; ATCC 27466; BCRC 12171; CBS 747.72; DSM 40547; IFO 13446; JCM 4833; NRRL 3193
HistoryRIA 1407 < ISP 5547 < NRRL 3193 < Upjohn Co., UC 5044
Received asStreptomyces steffisburgensis Dietz 1967 Type
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-749
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5475; RIA 1356; ATCC 27418; CBS 696.72; DSM 40475; JCM 4724; KCTC 9061; NRRL 2429
HistoryRIA 1356 < ISP 5475 < NRRL 2429
Received asStreptomyces atrofaciens Ehrlich et al. 1963 Type
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-750
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5532; RIA 1396; ATCC 27460; CBS 736.72; DSM 40532; IFO 13435; JCM 4819; NRRL 3151
HistoryRIA 1396 < ISP 5532 < NRRL 3151 < Upjohn Co.
Received asStreptomyces regalis Reusser 1967 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-756
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5533; RIA 1397; ATCC 27462; CBS 737.72; DSM 40533; IFO 13436; IMET 3358; JCM 4822; NRRL 3152
HistoryAgre N.S. IBPM, ISP 5533
Received asStreptomyces rosa Reusser 1967 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-757
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.VKM Ac-601; ATCC 12125; DSM 40768; ETH 24458
HistoryAgre N.S. IBPM < INA, ATCC 12125
Received asStreptomyces griseoroseus Heinemann et al. 1955 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-768
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5419; VKM Ac-65; RIA 1337; ATCC 19828; CBS 677.72; DSM 40419; IFO (now NBRC) 13376; JCM 4731; NCIB 10040; NRRL B-12346
HistoryAgre N.S. IBPM, ISP 5419 (= INMI 118)
Received asStreptomyces caesius (Krassilnikov et al. 1965) Pridham 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, experimental field in Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy territory
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-770
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryAgre N.S. IBPM, 1128
Received asStreptomyces (Actinomyces) roseoflavus subsp. roseofungini Nikitina 1968 Type
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-772
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5201; RIA 334; RIA 1229; ATCC 15895; ATCC 25519; CBS 661.69; DSM 40201; IFO (now NBRC) 13107; JCM 4537; NRRL B-5431
HistoryRIA 1299 < ISP 5201 < INMI 1034
Received asStreptomyces vulgaris (Nikitina et al. 1960) Pridham 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
GeographicsRepublic of Crimea
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-792
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryIBPM, INMI 263
Received asActinomyces favillatus Krassilnikov 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-819
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryKonev Y.E. NITIAF, LIA 0677
Received asStreptoverticillium mediocidicum subsp. auxiliaris Konev et al. 1974
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-904
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5414; RIA 1211; ATCC 19824; ATCC 25431; CBS 666.69; DSM 40414; IFO (now NBRC) 13019; JCM 4455
HistoryRIA 1211 < ISP 5414 < INMI 738 (Actinomyces aureofasciculus)
Received asStreptoverticillium (Actinomyces) aureofasciculum (Krassilnikov and Yuan 1965)
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-932
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5384; RIA 1335; ATCC 27424; CBS 675.72; DSM 40384; IFO 13374; JCM 4736; NRRL B-12322
HistoryRIA 1335 < ISP 5384 < KCC U-1027
Received asStreptomyces chromogenus Isono et al. 1955 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-969
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5529; RIA 1393; ATCC 23443; BCRC 12050; CBS 733.72; DSM 40529; IFO (now NBRC) 13432; JCM 4792; KCTC 1718; NRRL 3150
HistoryRIA 1393 < ISP 5529 < NRRL 3150
Received asStreptomyces moderatus Reusser 1967 Type
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1004
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5024; RIA 1105; ATCC 23953; BCRC 13658; CBS 936.68; DSM 40024; IFO (now NBRC) 13203; JCM 4214; JCM 4666; NRRL B-2517
HistoryRIA 1105 < ISP 5024 < Okami Y., 451-A8
Received asStreptomyces pyridomyceticus Okami and Umezawa 1957 Type
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1005
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5557; RIA 1414; ATCC 27415; CBS 100.41; CBS 754.72; DSM 40557; IFO (now NBRC) 13453
HistoryRIA 1414 < ISP 5557 < CBS 100.41
Received asStreptomyces alni (Woronin) Fiuczek 1959 Neotype
Source of isolationAlnus sp., root nodules
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1009
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5432; VKM Ac-218; RIA 1344; ATCC 19842; CBS 684.72; DSM 40432; IFO (now NBRC) 13383; JCM 4774; NRRL B-12366
HistoryRIA 1344 < ISP 5432 < INMI 206
Received asStreptomyces indigocolor (Krassilnikov et al. 1965) Pridham 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil, sierozem
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1010
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5076; RIA 1088; ATCC 19808; BCRC 13675; CBS 561.68; DSM 40076; IFO (now NBRC) 12818; JCM 4078; JCM 4413; NRRL B-1320; NRRL B-3062
HistoryRIA 1088 < ISP 5076 < IMRU 3772
Received asStreptomyces roseus (Krainsky 1914) Pridham et al. 1958 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1013
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5239; RIA 1313; ATCC 11989; BCRC 12668; CBS 238.61; CBS 653.72; DSM 40239; IFO 13352; IMET 42943; JCM 4155; JCM 4853; KCTC 1086; LMG 5989; NCIMB 8954; NRRL B-1679
HistoryRIA 1313 < ISP 5239 < Crook K., BL 567201
Received asStreptomyces viridifaciens Gourevitch and Lein 1955 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1175
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5357; RIA 976; RIA 1328; ATCC 27448; CBS 668.72; CBS 700.57; DSM 40357; IFO 13367; JCM 4693; JCM 4795; NCIMB 10038; NRRL 2651; NRRL B-5314
HistoryRIA 1328 < ISP 5357 < CBS 700.57
Received asStreptomyces natalensis Struyk et al. 1958 Type
Source of isolationsoil
CountrySouth Africa
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1181
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5210; RIA 660; RIA 1156; ATCC 15863; ATCC 23909; BCRC 11476; CBS 830.68; DSM 40210; IFO (now NBRC) 12863; IFO (now NBRC) 14888; JCM 4374; NCIMB 9804; NRRL B-3363
HistoryRIA 1156 < ISP 5210 < INMI 16-3 < BUCSAV, 16-3 (Streptomyces olivaceus)
Received asStreptomyces fulvoviridis (Kuchaeva et al. 1960) Pridham 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1193
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5345; RIA 1243; ATCC 25463; BCRC 12059; CBS 696.69; DSM 40345; IFO (now NBRC) 13051; IMET 43131; JCM 4485; NCIMB 9981; NCIMB B-12290
HistoryRIA 1243 < ISP 5345 < IMRU 3775
Received asStreptomyces karnatakensis Pinto and Ramasarma 1956 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1204
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5488; RIA 1367; ATCC 12414; CBS 707.72; DSM 40488; IFO (now NBRC) 13406; JCM 4825
HistoryRIA 1367 < ISP 5488 < Routien J.B., FD 11373
Received asStreptomyces roseogriseus Routien 1963 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1217
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryKonev Y.E. NITIAF, LIA 0371
Received asStreptoverticillium krissii Konev et al. 1975 Type
Source of isolationsaline soil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1223
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5402; RIA 1216; ATCC 25436; CBS 113.63; CBS 744.69; DSM 40402; IFO 13024; JCM 4460; NRRL B-12337
HistoryRIA 1216 < ISP 5402 < Baldacci E., IPV 1703
Received asStreptomyces capuensis Baldacci et al. 1965 Type
Source of isolationsoil
LocationSouth America
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1259
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5540; RIA 1403; ATCC 27413; CBS 743.72; DSM 40540; IFO (now NBRC) 13442; JCM 4713; KCTC 9678
HistoryRIA 1403 < ISP 5540 < IMRU 3049
Received asStreptomyces acidoresistans Hutter 1967 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1274
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5337; RIA 1201; ATCC 25421; BCRC 12077; CBS 919.69; DSM 40337; IFO 13009; JCM 4445; KCTC 9112; NRRL 2954
HistoryRIA 1201 < ISP 5337 < NRRL 2954
Received asStreptomyces actuosus Pinnert et al. 1964 Type
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1327
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5541; RIA 1404; ATCC 14841; CBS 744.72; DSM 40541; IFO (now NBRC) 13443; IMRU 3671; JCM 4752; NRRL B- 2684
HistoryRIA 1404 < ISP 5541 < IMRU 3671
Received asStreptomyces flavochromogenes (Krainski 1914) Waksman and Henrici 1948 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1701
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5167; INA 399/54; RIA 1063; ATCC 19784; ATCC 19918; BCRC 13777; CBS 536.68; DSM 40167; ETH 24196; IFO (now NBRC) 12795; IMET 43507; JCM 4397
HistoryRIA 1063 < ISP 5167 < INA 399/54
Received asStreptomyces malachiticus (Kudrina et al. 1957) Pridham et al. 1958 Type
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1709
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5434; RIA 1346; ATCC 19844; CBS 686.72; DSM 40434; IFO (now NBRC) 13385; JCM 4783; NCIMB 13425; NRRL B-12275
HistoryRIA 1346 < ISP 5434 < INMI 32-13
Received asStreptomyces lividans (Krassinikov et al. 1965) Pridham 1970 Type
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1710
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5425; VKM Ac-508; RIA 1226; ATCC 19835; ATCC 25446; CBS 675.69; DSM 40425; IFO (now NBRC) 13034; IFO (now NBRC) 14889; JCM 4469; NRRL B-12353
HistoryRIA 1226 < ISP 5425 < INMI 31-23
Received asStreptomyces cyanocolor (Krassilnikov et al. 1965) Pridham 1970
Source of isolationsoil
GeographicsRepublic of Crimea
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1711
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5426; VKM Ac-509; RIA 1227; ATCC 19836; ATCC 25447; CBS 674.69; DSM 40426; IFO (now NBRC) 13035; JCM 4470; NRRL B-12354
HistoryRIA 1227 < ISP 5426 < INMI 1112-7
Received asStreptomyces cyanogenus (Krassilnikov et al. 1965) Pridham 1970
Source of isolationsoil
GeographicsMoscow Region
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1716
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5433; RIA 1345; ATCC 19843; CBS 685.72; DSM 40433; IFO (now NBRC) 13384; JCM 4780; NRRL B-12367
HistoryRIA 1345 < ISP 5433 < INMI 383-K
Received asStreptomyces lazureus (Krassilnikov et al. 1965) Pridham 1970
Source of isolationsoil, krasnozem
Geographicsnear Anaseuli
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1730
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5054; RIA 1032; ATCC 19751; BCRC 11470; CBS 490.68; DSM 40054; IFO 12765; IMET 43500; JCM 4367; NRRL 2413
HistoryRIA 1032 < ISP 5054 < Eli Lilly & Co. M5-11698
Received asStreptomyces fasiculatus Pittenger and Nelms 1953 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1733
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5602; RIA 1303; ATCC 13748; CBS 643.72; DSM 40602; IFO (now NBRC) 13342; JCM 5051; NRRL B-3026; NRRL B-12556
HistoryRIA 1303 < ISP 5602 < ATCC
Received asStreptomyces humifer Pridham 1970 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1738
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5531; RIA 1395; ATCC 27457; CBS 735.72; DSM 40531; IFO (now NBRC) 3434; JCM 4810; NRRL 3149
HistoryRIA 1395 < ISP 5531 < NRRL 3149
Received asStreptomyces pallidus Reusser 1967 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1743
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5240; RIA 1177; ATCC 23957; BCRC 12280; CBS 940.68; DSM 40240; IFO (now NBRC) 12909; JCM 4410; NCIMB 9854; NRRL 2776
HistoryRIA 1177 < ISP 5240 < NRRL 2776
Received asStreptomyces roseoluteus Bessell 1961 Type
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1748
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5242; RIA 1284; ATCC 25504; BCRC 12052; CBS 646.69; DSM 40242; IFO 13092; JCM 4522; NRRL 2791
HistoryRIA 1284 < ISP 5242 < NRRL 2791
Received asStreptomyces umbrosus Schmidt-Kastner 1957 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1770
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.INA 4413
HistoryINA 4413
Received asStreptomyces fumosus (Krassilnikov 1941) Waksman 1953 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1772
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5534; INA 390; RIA 300; RIA 1398; ATCC 27426; CBS 113.60; CBS 738.72; DSM 40534; IFO (now NBRC) 13437; JCM 4744; NCIMB 12968; NRRL B-2591
HistoryRIA 300 < INA 390
Received asStreptomyces cyaneogriseus
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1821
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5227; VKM Ac-720; RIA 843; RIA 1280; ATCC 11416; ATCC 25500; BCRC 11867; BCRC 12494; CBS 960.69; DSM 40227; IFO 13088; JCM 4519; NCIMB 13006; NRRL B-2345
HistoryRIA 843 < ATCC 11416
Received asStreptomyces thermotolerans Pagano et al. 1959 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1830
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.INA 6476
HistoryINA 6476
Received asStreptomyces alborubidus (Kudrina 1957) Pridham et al. 1958
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1855
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.INA 11654
HistoryINA 11654
Received asStreptomyces coeruleorubidus subsp. Rubomycini Preobrazhenskaya 1983
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1875
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.RIA 78; ATCC 10974; CBS 110.60; CCM 3164; DSM 46370; ETH 14305; IMET 40269; JCM 4257
HistoryINA, ATCC 10974
Received asStreptomyces citreus (Krainsky) Waksman and Henrici 1948
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1897
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5333; RIA 1252; ATCC 25472; CBS 882.69; DSM 40333; IFO (now NBRC) 13060; JCM 4494; NRRL B-12274
HistoryRIA 1252 < ISP 5333 < INA 8954
Received asStreptomyces malachitorectus (Preobrazhenskaya et al. 1964) Pridham 1970 Type
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-1908
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ISP 5140; INA 5104; RIA 1011; ATCC 19730; ATCC 23614; BCRC 12095; CBS 469.68; DSM 40140; IFO 12746; JCM 4351; NRRL B-3897; NRRL B-5348
HistoryRIA 1011 < ISP 5140 < INA 5104
Received asStreptomyces bicolor (Preobrazhenskaya 1957) Pridham et al. 1958 Type
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-2090
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryBueva O.V. IBPM, AD-9
Source of isolationpotatoes affected by scab, tuber
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-2513
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
Other culture collection No.ATCC 49231; DSM 41643; IAM 13637; IFO (now NBRC) 14834; JCM 7250; NRRL B-16504
HistoryDSM 41643
Source of isolationsoil
GeographicsYokohama City
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

VKM No.Ac-2806
Scientific name of the strainStreptomyces sp.
HistoryNikitina Y.T. IMiV, variant 1-68
Received asnokardia-like fructose variant of Streptomyces roseoflavus subsp.roseofungini VKM Ac-770
Incubation temp. (C)28
Storage methodsC-1, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no

Updated 08/06/2024