VKM Catalogue
VKM No. | F-866 |
Scientific name of the strain | Sporotrichum bombycinum (Corda 1839) Rabenhorst 1844 |
History | INMI, VKM F-866 < VIZR, 341 |
Received as | Sporotrichum bombycinum |
Source of isolation | book |
Location | Library of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Geographics | St.-Petersburg |
Country | Russia |
Medium | 11 |
Incubation temp. (C) | 25 |
Storage methods | C-1, F-1, S-5 |
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia) | no |
VKM No. | F-2582 |
Scientific name of the strain | Sporotrichum bombycinum (Corda 1839) Rabenhorst 1844 |
History | IBPM, IBPM F-259 < Kuritsyna D.S. Igor Grabar All-Russian Scientific and Restoration Centre, Moscow, Russia, 100 |
Received as | Sporotrichum bombycinum |
Source of isolation | oil painting |
Country | Russia |
Medium | 11 |
Incubation temp. (C) | 25 |
Storage methods | C-1, D-4, F-1, S-5 |
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia) | no |