Consolidated Catalogue

Strain No.VKM F-303 Neotype
Scientific name of the strainPenicillium lividum Westling 1911
Other culture collection No.ATCC 10102; BCRC 31673; CBS 347.48; CCRC 31286; CCRC 31673; DSM 1180; FRR 0754; IFO 6102; IHEM 5776; IMI 039736; KCTC 6261; MUCL 38769; NBRC 6102; NRRL 754; QM 1930; Thom 2697; Thom 2737
HistoryINMI, VKM F-303 < CMI, IMI 39736 < Thom, 2697
Received asPenicillium lividum
Source of isolationsoil
Incubation temp. (C)25
Storage methodsD-4, F-1, S-5
DNA sequencesFJ004596, FJ004479, FJ004420, FJ004359, DQ911124, AF241470, AF033406
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)4
References87, 891, 2074, 2763, 3068, 4657, 4667, 4672, 7468, 8861

Updated 02/12/2024