Consolidated Catalogue

Strain No.VKM F-1702
Scientific name of the strainPenicillium ochrochloron Biourge 1923
HistoryINMI, VKM F-1702 < Milko A.A., 1270
Received asPenicillium ochrochloron
Source of isolationsoil
LocationYoung beech planting
GeographicsZakarpattya Region, Svaliava
Incubation temp. (C)25
Storage methodsC-8, D-4, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)4
References1629, 1812, 2153, 4043, 4121, 4155, 4169, 4314, 4732, 5062, 5604, 6346, 6645, 7760

Strain No.VKM F-1827
Scientific name of the strainPenicillium ochrochloron Biourge 1923
Other culture collection No.ATCC 9112; ATCC 9824; CBS 110.66; CCM F-158; CCRC 31516; DSM 1945; IMI 61271; NCIM 1044; NRRL 744; QM 477; USDA 1336.2
HistoryINMI, VKM F-1827 < Lasting V.R. Estonian Research Institute of Soil Management and Melioration Sciences, Saku, Estonia < CBS, CBS 110.66
Received asPenicillium ochrochloron
Incubation temp. (C)25
Storage methodsD-4, F-1
DNA sequencesMH870371, MH858739
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)4

Strain No.VKM F-2032
Scientific name of the strainPenicillium ochrochloron Biourge 1923
HistoryINMI, VKM F-2032 < Vostrov I.S. INMI
Received asPenicillium ochrochloron
Source of isolationftorolon fabric
Incubation temp. (C)25
Storage methodsD-4, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)4
References782, 6313, 8031

Strain No.VKM F-2380
Scientific name of the strainPenicillium ochrochloron Biourge 1923
HistoryIBPM, IBPM F-157 < DMA MSU
Received asPenicillium ochrochloron
Incubation temp. (C)25
Storage methodsD-4, F-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)4

Strain No.VKM F-2553
Scientific name of the strainPenicillium ochrochloron Biourge 1923
HistoryAbyzov S.S. INMI, 423-1
Received asPenicillium ochrochloron
Source of isolationglacier thickness, depth 234 m, age 8530 year
LocationCentral Antarctica
Incubation temp. (C)25
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)4

Strain No.VKM F-3644
Scientific name of the strainPenicillium ochrochloron Biourge 1923
HistoryAleksandrova A.V. DMA MSU, MSU-1
Received asPenicillium ochrochloron
Source of isolationclay acidic soil with supernormal heavy metals, thermal landscape, depth 7-10 cm
LocationDry thermal landscape, caldera, Uson Volkano, Kronotsky State Biosphere Reserve, Kamchatka Peninsula
GeographicsKamchatka Territory
Incubation temp. (C)25
Storage methodsF-1
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)4

Updated 02/12/2024