Consolidated Catalogue

Strain No.VKM Y-1685 Type
Scientific name of the strainCandida magnoliae (Lodder et Kreger-van Rij 1952) S.A. Meyer et Yarrow 1978
SynonymTorulopsis magnoliae Lodder et Kreger-van Rij 1952 Type strain
Other culture collection No.CBS 166; VKM Y-746; ATCC 56463; CCRC 21703; IFO 0705; JCM 1446; NCYC 2620; NRRL Y-2024
HistoryCBS 166
Received asTorulopsis magnoliae Lodder et Kreger-van Rij 1952 Type strain
Source of isolationflower of Magnolia sp.
Countrythe Netherlands
Incubation temp. (C)27
Storage methodsF-3, S-4
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)4
References1352, 1370, 1377, 1421

Updated 02/02/2024