Consolidated Catalogue
Strain No. | VKM Y-2741 |
Scientific name of the strain | Dioszegia xingshanensis Q.M. Wang et F.Y. Bai 2008 |
Synonym | Cryptococcus hungaricus (Zsolt 1957) Phaff et Fell 1970 |
History | Golubev W.I. IBPM, X-677 |
Received as | Cryptococcus hungaricus |
Source of isolation | Arisaema japonicum, leaf |
Location | Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve, Far East |
Geographics | Primorsky Territory |
Country | Russia |
Medium | 9 |
Incubation temp. (C) | 20 |
Storage methods | F-3, S-4 |
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia) | no |
Strain No. | VKM Y-3241 |
Scientific name of the strain | Dioszegia xingshanensis Q.M. Wang et F.Y. Bai 2008 |
Other culture collection No. | KBP Y-5272 |
History | KBP Y-5272 |
Received as | Dioszegia xingshanensis |
Source of isolation | lichens from Tian Shan Mountains |
Country | Kyrgyzstan |
Medium | 9 |
Incubation temp. (C) | 22 |
Storage methods | F-3, S-4 |
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia) | no |