Consolidated Catalogue

Strain No.VKM Y-178 Type
Scientific name of the strainWickerhamomyces silvicola (Wickerham 1951) Kurtzman et al. 2008
SynonymHansenula silvicola Wickerham 1951 Type strain; Pichia silvicola (Wickerham 1951) Kurtzman 1984 Type strain
Other culture collection No.CBS 1705; ATCC 16768; CCRC 20481; IFO 0807; JCM 3627; NCYC 2615; NRRL Y-1678
HistoryCBS 1705
Received asHansenula silvicola
Source of isolationgum of Prunus serotina
GeographicsPeoria, Illinois
Incubation temp. (C)25
Storage methodsF-3, S-4
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no
References914, 1191, 2835, 5260, 5618, 9128, 9510

Strain No.VKM Y-2191
Scientific name of the strainWickerhamomyces silvicola (Wickerham 1951) Kurtzman et al. 2008
SynonymHansenula muscicola (Nakase et Komagata 1966) Yarrow 1972 Type strain; Pichia silvicola (Wickerham 1951) Kurtzman 1984
HistoryCBS 5800
Received asHansenula muscicola
Source of isolationmoss
Incubation temp. (C)25
Storage methodsF-3, S-4
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no
References235, 1789, 2835, 5260

Updated 02/02/2024