VKM Catalogue

VKM No.Ac-1470 Type
Scientific name of the strainActinomadura viridilutea (Agre and Guzeva 1975) Zhang et al. 2001
SynonymExcellospora rubrobrunea (Krassilnikov et al. 1968) Agre and Guzeva 1975
Other nameMicropolyspora rubrobrunea Krassilnikov et al. 1968
Other culture collection No.ATCC 49883; CIP 105486; DSM 43750; IFO (now NBRC) 15275; IMET 9705; JCM 7345; KCTC 9493
HistoryAgre N.S. IBPM, 2991
Received asExcellospora rubrobrunea (Krassilnikov et al. 1968) Agre and Guzeva 1975
Source of isolationsoil
LocationEl Kharga oasis
CountryRepublic of Egypt
Incubation temp. (C)55
Storage methodsF-1
DNA sequencesEU637008
Pathogenicity group (SanPin 3.3686-21, 28.01.2021, Russia)no